Should you start HIIT training over 40?
Well, the short answer is yes but before you go ahead and join the latest HIIT Bootcamp class down at your local gym there are a few things you need to consider.
So in this post, I’ll be taking you through the benefits, the drawbacks, and the strategic approach that must be taken when diving into the world of HIIT training over 40.
And I’ll be finishing up by giving you a few awesome workouts that are going to quickly and consistently burn fat, build muscle, and get you fitter in your 40’s than you ever thought possible.
So let’s get to HIIT…
Benefits Of HIIT Training Over 40
By the time you’re 40’s roll around, your body starts to take a turn for the worst.
You’re metabolism slows and the precious muscle that used to come so easy starts to slowly but surely wither away and die.
In fact, the average muscle loss for a typical 40-year-old can be anywhere between 3-5% every decade.
And with the combination of an ever-slowing metabolism, it’s no wonder you see so many people over the age of 40 dumbfounded by the fact that they are putting on weight, despite the fact that their diet and training regime are exactly the same.
So how can HIIT training help?
Well, unlike most forms of exercise such as steady state cardio, HIIT training practically forces your metabolism into fat burning overdrive while at the same time holding onto as much lean muscle as humanly possible.
By forcing your body into an anabolic state. Similar to what you experience when you weight train.
And with the combination of EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) and fat oxidation, regular bouts of HIIT training 2-3 times a week will not only burn tremendous amounts of unwanted fat but also keep your body primed for building a lean, strong physique that most people would envy.
If you’d like a more detailed explanation of each of these processes you should check out my post on How HIIT Burns Fat

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes
Drawbacks Of HIIT Training Over 40
Now don’t get too excited just yet. There are still a few things you need to be aware of.
To get something out of HIIT training you have to give it you’re all.
And the fact is that some people regardless of their age, simply aren’t ready to push the limits of what they’re capable of.
So if you’re new to exercise or you simply like staying in your comfort zone then HIIT probably isn’t for you.
Effects Of HIIT On Your Heart Rate
What you also may not know, is that for every year that passes, your maximum heart rate decreases.
Your maximum heart rate is the sum of 220 minus your age.
So for instance, a 45-year-old would have a maximum heart rate of 175bpm (beats per minute)
220 – 45 = 175bpm
The inability to take our heart rate to the level it was once capable of can ultimately have less of a calorie burning effect.
Now, this isn’t to say you can’t exceed this heart rate. Obviously, everyone is different and what isn’t achievable for some, maybe quite the opposite for others.
But even so, it’s still something you need to consider.
Another drawback of HIIT training over 40 is the effects it can have on your recovery.
As we get older our bodies require more time to repair themselves.
This is more so true for men who as they age, produce less and less testosterone which unfortunately takes longer to replenish after a hard grueling workout.
It sucks I know but it’s just a fact of life.
Having said that don’t let some of these negatives put you off. Because although your body isn’t quite what it was in your 20’s, it’s still completely possible to reap the amazing benefits of HIIT training that so many others have experienced.
It just takes a different approach…

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes
A Different Approach
So what do we know?
Well, we know that…
- You’re losing muscle each and every year once you reach the age of 40
- We know that it takes longer to recover between HIIT training sessions
- We need to be careful not to go beyond our maximum heart rate for prolonged periods of time.
So taking this information into account here’s what we need to do before we decide to take on any form of HIIT training…
We need to reduce how many days we train…
…Increase our rest intervals during our intense HIIT workout.
…Focus some of our energy on strength related HIIT training to preserve, and in some cases build more lean muscle…
…Be cautious about maxing out our heart rate beyond what it is physically capable of achieving.
Now I know that everyone is different and that there is no one size fits all approach to this, but I do have to be careful about what I recommend because the last thing I want you to do is to push yourself into an overtrained injury prone wreck.
So with that said, let’s take a look at a few HIIT workouts to get your metabolism moving…
HIIT Training Over 40 – The Workouts
All the workouts I’ve put together are short and sweet. None of them are any longer than 20 minutes as I feel this distract from the idea of HIIT training.
HIIT training is intense, and sustaining maximum intensity for anything over 20 minute is next to impossible. Even for the fittest of the fit.
So work hard, work smart and let’s get results.
Workout 1: Full Body Strength
First up on the list of HIIT training workouts we’ve got a full body strength routine that’s going to put an end your muscle building problems.
It’s a slightly modified version of one of my more popular HIIT routines. I’ve simply increased the rest period slightly to allow for more recovery time.
But it’s still challenging as hell.
Here it is…
- 30 Seconds: Pull-ups
- 30 Seconds: Rest
- 30 Seconds: Parallel Bar Dips
- 30 Seconds: Rest
- 30 Seconds: Deadlifts
- 30 Seconds: Rest
- 30 Seconds: Landmine 180 (or Russian twists holding weight plate)
- 90 Seconds: Rest
Repeat for a total of 4 Rounds
Total Workout Time: 20 Minutes
The original workout I posted for this has you completing each one of these exercises back to back with no rest between exercises.
So if you find this one too easy, or if you just want the extra challenge, feel free to reduce the rest periods or better yet, eliminate them completely from the routine.
Workout 2: Jump Rope HIIT
Jumping rope is probably the best calorie burning exercise I know. Combine it with HIIT training and you’re going to physically see the fat melting from your body in real time.
It’s also a lot less impacting on the joints and beats the hell out of running. Just make sure you find a soft surface to jump on.
Here’s the workout…
- 60 Seconds: Jump Rope (Active Rest)
- 30 Seconds: Jump Rope (Sprint In Place Or Double Unders)
- Repeat x10
Total Workout Time: 15 Minutes
For this active rest period just skip at a light to moderate pace to keep the blood flowing. It’s important not to burn yourself out before you hit it hard.
The sprints or Double Unders should be 100% max effort.
And just a word of caution!
For this workout to be effective you really need to be experienced at jumping rope.
If you’re not quite there yet, this Jump Rope Tutorial should help you get started.
Workout 3: Bike Sprints/Airdyne Bike
This is another low impact HIIT exercise that’s gonna test you to your limits.
If you have access to an Airdyne bike that’s great as it will allow you to get your arms involved in the workout giving you an all-around full body HIIT workout.
If not then a standard stationary bike is still a great option.
Here’s how to get pedaling with this HIIT workout…
- 30 Seconds: Bike Sprints (pedal like a monthf*ucker)
- 60 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat x10
Total Workout Time: 15 Minutes
This workout is also great to use as a Tabata and a hell of a lot shorter if that’s what you’re going for.
You can see an example of Tabata Airdyne bike sprints being performed in the video below…
Workout 4: 10 Minute Tabata
For this workout, we’re going to be combining two separate Tabata workouts into one 10 minutes HIIT routine.
It’s going to be split into a lower body Tabata, and an upper body Tabata
Here’s how to do the workout…
- 20 Seconds: Jump Squats
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Alternating Jumping Lunges
- 10 Seconds: Rest
Repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 round
Rest for 2 minutes then jump straight into the next Tabata…
- 20 Seconds: Wide Grip Pushups
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Close Grip Pushups
- 10 Seconds: Rest
Repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds.
Total Workout Time: 10 Minutes
I know 10 minutes doesn’t seem like long but trust me, as long as you push yourself you’re going to get soo much work done in such a short space of time.
Personally, I average around 50-60 jump squats, 70-80 alternating lunges, and 130-140 pushups during this workout.
Not bad for just 10 minutes of work.
Workout 5: Alternating Sledgehammer Swings
This HIIT workout is great for increasing your core strength, grip strength, and explosive speed and power.
And it’s also quite fun especially if you’ve never tried it before
Here’s what you’ll need…
- Sledgehammer (ideally between 6-12 lbs)
- A big old tractor tire. (to beat the sh*t out of with your sledgehammer)
And here’s what you’re gonna do…
- 60 Seconds: Sledgehammer Swings
- 30 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat x10
Total Workout Time: 15 Minutes.
Now, it’s quite easy with this workout to just go through the motions and not put a great deal of effort into your swing.
Each and every time you swing the damn sledgehammer should be done with bad intentions.
Or just imaging your smashing up a cheating boyfriends (or girlfriends) BMW.
Make sure that you fully activate your core and swing with maximum speed and power with each and every swing.
Like this…
Workout 6: The Renegade
For this HIIT workout, you’re going to be performing renegade rows with a pushup…
…followed by mountain climbers
It’s an awesome workout for building massive amounts of arm endurance as both of the movements require you hold a pushup position for the duration of the work intervals.
Here’s how this one plays out…
- 30 Seconds: Renegade Row (Pushup Between Each Row)
- 30 Seconds: Rest:
- 30 Seconds: Mountain Climbers
- 30 Seconds: Rest
Repeat between 5-10 rounds. Or however long it takes before your arms give up.
Total Workout Time: 10-20 Minutes
Here’s a quick demo of the renegade row I’m talking about…
Workout 7: Punch Out Drills
And last on our list of HIIT workouts we’ve got another arm crushing exercises
For this workout, you’ll need access to a heavy bag and bag gloves.
I recommend using between 10-12 oz gloves as this will not give your hands adequate protection, but they’re also still light enough to keep your arms moving in quick succession for the duration of the workout.
I’d also highly recommend wrapping your hands beforehand to decrease the risk of injury.
Here’s how to get your arms moving for this workout…
- 30 Seconds: Punch-Out Drill (1-2 Combination)
- 30 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat x10
Total Workout Time: 10 Minutes
It’s important to note that during the work phase you should aim be punching the heavy bag as hard, and as fast as physically possible.
Wrapping Things Up
If there’s one thing you should take away from this post it’s that age is just a number.
Don’t let the shoddy advice of others tell you what you can and can’t do just because of the year you were born.
Over the years I’ve met some incredible people who even at 40, 50, 60, even 70 years plus. Have on to achieve incredible things within the fitness industry regardless of their age.
You can either push on as a strong, fit individual who is always full of energy and lives life to the full…
…Or, you can give up, tell yourself you’re too old and slowly watch your body and your health deteriorate before your very eyes.
The choice is yours.
Do you have any advice or tips to share about HIIT training over 40? Let me know in the comments below…

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes