HIIT Jump Rope Workout Routines – Get Fit Faster

jump rope workout routinesGet ready to swing away because I’m smashing down the door to my secret archive of HIIT jump rope workouts to bring you the good, the bad, and the damn right nasty selection of my all-time favorite jump rope workout routines.

Trust me, they’re gonna get you bouncing around faster than an excitable puppy when he sees the mailman.

So brace yourself because it’s about to get messy…

Related: Choosing The Best Jump Rope

Why Jump Rope?

Firstly, jumping rope torches calories like a montherf*cker. I challenge you to find any other workout that can even come close to the calorie burning effects that jump rope workout routines provide.

And secondly, It’s really fun. I can’t think of any other workout that I actually enjoy more than hopping around in the garden while the neighbors look on in disbelief as if I’d just punched their cat.


Benefits Of Jumping Rope

As well as the obvious calorie torching abilities. HIIT jump rope workouts (when done correctly) have shown greater increases in cardiovascular health and endurance than any other exercise.

Even running.

And maybe it’s just me, but I like the fact that you can do it anywhere.

At home…

…at the park

…at the movies (just kidding)

So hopefully, by the end of this post, you’re gonna to see the immense benefits some of these jump rope workout routines can provide.

And hey! If all else fails your jump rope can always double up as nun chucks to fend of small animals and children.

Related: Workout Finishers 2.0
workout finishers
Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.

Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes 


HIIT Jump Rope Workouts – Getting Started

Now, just to be clear, I’m not going take you through a million jump rope variations that have little to no impact on the quality of your workout.

However, what I will be teaching you, is a few key moves that I like to include in all of my jump rope workout routines that I feel are essential to getting an awesome workout that is not only tough but also so enjoyable.

This way you will continue to come back to it over and over again.

Now I’m not gonna lie, there is a learning curve.

If your an experience jump roper then you’ll know what I’m talking about.

But if you’re new to the jump rope game you need to know that it’s gonna take time, and it’s gonna take patience.

And it’s probably gonna hurt.

In fact, I can still remember when I first started jumping rope. I’d take that many lashings from constantly tripping up on the rope that my back looked like I’d been taken into a secret chamber by a dominatrix and whipped to within an inch of my life.

It’s just the name of the game.

But practice makes perfect like anything in life you get out what you put in.

And who knows, maybe one day you’ll be jumping rope like Buddy Lee.

By the way, this is a MUST WATCH VIDEO


Jump Rope Workout Routines – Variations

Now, if you’re already a jump rope ninja you might wanna go ahead and skip part as I’m sure you probably know every jump rope trick in the book.

If not, here a breakdown of some of the basic moves you will need to become acquainted with…


Variation 1: Alternating Single Leg Hops

This is the base of where all of you jump rope workout routines will start.

It’s pretty basic. All you’re going to be doing is bouncing from one leg to the other performing a single jump on each leg.

The most important aspect of alternating single leg hops or any other jump rope variation for that matter is finding your rhythm.

If you’re panicky, unsteady and constantly making jerky movement then the jump rope isn’t going to be your friend.

A little drill I like to do before I’ve even picked up the rope is to simply bounce gently from one foot to the other.

You can even hold out you’re arms as if you’re holding an imaginary rope.

It really does help.

Relaxation and rhythm are the fundamental basics of jumping rope.

Get this down and the rest will eventually fall into place.

Take a look at this video for a full demonstration…


Variation 2: Alternating Double Leg Hops

Not much to really add to on this variation.

The only difference is you’re going to be bouncing twice on each leg before moving on to the other.

Now, depending on how you like to jump rope you can actually use alternating double leg hops as your main jump rope technique.

When I’m just going through the motions with a long and steady jump rope workout I personally prefer this movement to single leg hops.

But it all depends on what you feel comfortable with.


Variation 3: Sprinting In Place

Now you’ve got the basics down it’s time to step on the gas and learn how to sprint in place.

These kind of movements are what really gets your heart rate into the zone where you’re gonna be torching major calories, so it’s essential that you practice this movement whenever possible.

In fact, one of the best thing you can do from a fitness and fat loss perspective is to shift up and down the gears by using timed intervals to switch between sprinting in place and single (or double) leg hops.

You can see how it’s done here…


Variation 4: Criss Crosses

As well as looking really cool. Being able to perform Criss Crosses on an important element of your jump rope workout routine.

In many instances, and again this is just from personal experience. I find that my arms tend to tire a lot quicker than the rest of my body.

This is because it takes a great deal of effort to hold your arms out by your side for long periods of time.

So when I’m performing any jump rope routine and I start to feel that burning sensation in my arms. My go-to source of relief is the Criss Cross movement.

The reason being, that my arms are consistently moving closer to my body. Which helps bring down the almost agonizing sensation that my arms are about to explode at any minute.

This allows me to continue working at a fast pace while giving me an overall better workout.

Make sense?

Anyway, check out the video to learn how to do Criss Crosses like a Jedi master…


Variation 5: Double Unders

So now you can bounce, sprint and cross. It’s time to start spinning the rope at near light speed with double unders.

What we’re going to be attempting is to turn the rope 2 times for every single jump we make.

Sound easy?

Well, it kinda is when you get the hang of it. All we’re really doing is varying the speed of the rope and jumping just a fraction higher than we normally would

But until you get the hang of it you better stop wearing shorts for your jump rope workout, or you’re gonna feel the constant sting of the jump rope whipping against your bare shins.

It’s not nice.

In fact, it f*cking hurts like hell…

But again with great jump rope comes great power and once you get this variation down to a tee there’s going to be no stopping you.

Here’s how to become proficient with double unders…


Bonus Variation: Criss Cross With Double Under

Now, this isn’t really necessary for what we want to achieve out of our jump rope workout.

If you’ve mastered the skills above then you’re already more than prepared to tackle the variety of workouts I’ve got planned a little further down the page.

But if you’re a perfectionist, want to impress your friends, or want to make money as a happy skipping street performer, then this move should get you half way there.

All you’re going to be doing is combining two of the previous moves.

The Criss Cross…

…and the Double Under

If I’m honest it’s gonna take a lot of practice to get this move down. This isn’t to say it’s not achievable but it’s really gonna skyrocket you into being a better than average jump rope artist.

Watch the video for instructions on how to perform the move…


Jump Rope Workout Routines – Finding Your Flow

Before we jump into the jump rope workout routines. I’d just like to give you a quick pointer about finding your flow.

Watch any of the greats who love to jump rope and you’ll notice just how relaxed and content they are with their movements, even when they’re pushing the boundaries.

Just take a look at the late, great Muhammed Ali and you’ll notice just how relaxed, calm and completely in the zone, he is with his workout.

So much so that he doesn’t even have to think about it. Everything just happens naturally as if he was just going for a leisurely stroll down the street.

This is what you should be aiming for…


HIIT Jump Rope Workouts – The Workouts


Warming Up

Before you start thrashing the rope around faster than the flash after 10 cups of coffee. Make sure you warm the hell up first.

Start simply by bouncing from foot to foot. Using alternating single/double leg with the odd Criss Cross thrown into the mix.

You don’t even have to use a rope at this point as long as your preparing your arms and legs for the havoc that is about to be unleashed.

Around 5-10 minutes should be enough to get you loose, limber and ready to start spinning the rope like a hurricane.


Workout 1 – Interval Sprints

hiit jump rope workoutsWe’re gonna kick things off these jump rope workout routines with interval sprints.

It’s going to be broken down into 2 stages.

  • Active Rest Phase
  • HIIT Phase

During the active rest phase, you’re going to be jumping rope at a moderate to light pace.

This could include alternating leg hops, Criss Crosses and just generally keeping yourself jumping over the rope to keep your heart rate from dropping too low.

The HIIT phase is where you’re going to go balls to the wall, 100% max effort.

You can do by either sprinting in place…

…or, by performing double unders, the choice is yours.

Personally, I like to alternate my HIIT jump rope workouts by performing one round of sprints, followed by one round of double unders just add some variety into the workout.

Now, depending on your fitness level I’ve broken down the intervals into 5 different categories.

Just go ahead and pick whichever you feel suits your current level. And progress onwards from there.


Jump Rope Interval Sprints – Beginner

  • Active Rest Phase: 2 Minutes
  • HIIT Phase: 30 Seconds
  • Repeat For 4 Rounds

Total Workout Time: 10 Minutes


Jump Rope Interval Sprints – Intermittent

  • Active Rest Phase: 90 Seconds
  • HIIT Phase: 30 Seconds
  • Repeat For 5 Rounds

Total Workout Time: 10 Minutes


Jump Rope Interval Sprints – Advanced

  • Active Rest Phase: 60 Seconds
  • HIIT Phase: 30 Seconds
  • Repeat For 10 Rounds

Total Workout Time: 15 Minutes


Jump Rope Interval Sprints – INSANE

  • Active Rest Phase: 30 Seconds
  • HIIT Phase: 30 Seconds
  • Repeat For 15 Rounds

Total Workout Time: 15 Minutes


Jump Rope Interval Sprints – Ultimate Sensi Master Jedi Ninja

  • Just keep sprinting until you puke, pass out or die…

Remember, this is just a baseline for you to work from and is in no way set in stone.

Feel free to modify any of the above to suit your individual needs and goals.


Workout 2 – Tabata

Tabata jump rope workouts are extremely tough.

Even if you think you’re at a pretty high level of fitness, this is gonna test you like you’ve never been tested before.

What you’re going to be doing is performing short sets followed by an ever shorter rest period.

Here’s how it’s gonna play out:

  • 20 Seconds: Jump Rope (Sprints or Double Unders)
  • 10 Seconds: Rest
  • Repeat x8 rounds for a total of 4 Minutes.

During the 20 seconds of work, it’s extremely important to give it 110%.

This means no slacking, not even for a second…

Although 4 minutes might not seem like much. It’s 4 minutes of absolute hell.

Check out the video to see the workout in action…


As you can see it ain’t easy, but it’s gonna increase your conditioning and work capacity like nothing you’ve ever done before.


HIIT Jump Rope Workouts – EMOM

Last on the list of HIIT jump rope workouts I’ve got a nice little time-based challenge to you to take on.

It’s called every minute on the minute, or EMOM for short

What your going to be doing is performing a set amount of double unders at the start of every minute.

Once you’ve completed your reps, you have the remainder of the minute to recover.

You will then repeat this process every time a new minute begins.

Again I’ve provided a few different levels of this workout so you can pick and choose based on your fitness level.


EMOM – Beginner

  • Minute 1: 20 Double Unders
  • Minute 2: 20 Double Unders…
  • …Minute 10: 20 Double Unders


EMOM – Intermittent

  • Minute 1: 30 Double Unders
  • Minute 2: 30 Double Unders…
  • …Minute 10: 30 Double Unders


EMOM – Advanced

  • Minute 1: 40 Double Unders
  • Minute 2: 40 Double Unders…
  • …Minute 15: 40 Double Unders



  • Minute 1: 50 Double Unders
  • Minute 2: 50 Double Unders…
  • …Minute 15: 50 Double Unders

Now, there are 2 ways you can approach this workout.

You can either go hell for leather and get your reps out as quickly as possible, requiring more effort but allowing more time for recovery…

…or, you can step it down a gear, take a little longer to complete your reps, but decrease your recovery time.

Related: Choosing The Best Jump Rope


Wrapping Things Up

Whatever HIIT jump rope workouts you decide to take on, your timing and rhythm are ultimately going to be key players in getting you through each and every stage of the workout.

Remember to keep working hard and progressing with each and every workout and you’ll be joining the great jump rope masters of the world in no time.

Do you have any jump rope workout routines, not on the list? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below…

Related: Workout Finishers 2.0
workout finishers
Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.

Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes 

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