Today I’m going to be taking you through some awesome Tabata workout routines for beginners.
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you might even break your hip, who knows.
So let’s jump on the crazy train and get stuck in…
Tabata Workout Routines For Beginners – A Brief History
In short, the original Tabata protocol was originally designed to push the boundaries of top athletes and test them to their limits.
But over the years Tabata workouts have been watered down from an elite fitness protocol to some of the tamer workouts you see today.
That’s why you see so many Tabata workout routines for beginners constantly being pushed out to the masses.
On the whole, there’s nothing wrong with this. In fact, I think it’s a great way to introduce new fitness enthusiasts into the world of working out.
I mean who wouldn’t want to get fit in just 4 minutes right?
But for the most part, TRUE Tabata is not something beginners can just jump right in to.
It’s simply too hard.
So what we’re going to be doing in the meantime is easing off the gas just a little and going through some of the more beginner friendly Tabata workout routines for beginners.

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes
Tabata Workout Routines For Beginners – Getting Started
Below I’ve pulled together 8 Tabata workouts designed specifically for beginners.
The reason they are so beginner friendly is that instead of performing just 1 exercise for the full 4 minutes. Like the true Tabata protocol.
You’re going to be performing anywhere between 4-8 different exercises during the 4 minutes, which will allow certain muscle groups to rest while others work.
Smashing out 8 consecutive sets of push-ups or any other exercise for that matter might seem like a good idea. But for the beginner, it’s simply too much stress to place on one muscle group.
Especially when you’re just starting out.
8 Awesome Tabata Workout Routines For Beginners
Now on to the highlight of the day.
The workouts.
Each Tabata workout follows the exact same interval structure of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Or 20/10 intervals for short.
You’ll notice as you scroll through down the page that each of these workouts gets just a little harder.
The important thing to remember is that you push yourself to the best of your ability.
Remember if it doesn’t challenge you. It doesn’t change you.
Beginner Tabata Workout 1
I’m going to ease you in gently with this first routine.
You’re going to be working through a progression of 8 separate exercises.
It’s a great Tabata to get started with if you’re new to the game.
Here’s how to do it:
- 20 Seconds: Squat
- 20 Seconds: Kneeling Pushups
- 20 Seconds: Lunges
- 20 Seconds: High Knees
- 20 Seconds: Spider Crawl
- 20 Seconds: Leg Raises
- 20 Seconds: Plank Jacks
- 20 Seconds: Knee crunches
Remember to rest 10 seconds between rounds
Here’s a breakdown of the workout in action…
Beginner Tabata Workout 2
On to Tabata number 2.
In reality, this one probably isn’t any more taxing than the last Tabata.
After all, you’re still going to be performing 8 separate exercises targeting similar muscle groups.
Even though some of the exercises are slightly different.
Anyway, let’s knock it out of the park:
- 20 Seconds: Narrow Squat
- 20 Seconds: Plank To Pushup
- 20 Seconds: Butt Kicks
- 20 Seconds: Bicycle Crunches
- 20 Seconds: Side Lunge
- 20 Seconds: Toe Touch
- 20 Seconds: Hip Extension
- 20 Seconds: Russian Twists
Again, remember to rest 10 seconds between exercises.
Here’s how we do it in the big leagues
Beginner Tabata Workout 3
Moving swiftly on we have Tabata number 3
This one’s slightly different as we’re only performing 4 exercises. Only this time you’ll be running through each one twice.
Let’s get it on:
- 20 Seconds: Butt Kicks
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Squats
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Jump Rope
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Step-Back Lunges
Repeat x2
Watch the master at work below…
Beginner Tabata Workout 4
Sticking with only 4 moves, this Tabata going to challenge your full body.
Especially your core.
Here’s the skinny on Tabata number 4:
- 20 Seconds: Push-ups On Knees
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Squats
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Plank
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Mountain Climbers
Repeat x2
Watch the video to see how to big dogs do it…
Beginner Tabata Workout 5:
Right, we’re going to be taking it out of first gear and upping the intensity a little for this Tabata.
Still sticking with only 4 moves but it’s going to get you breathing a little heavier than usual.
Go forth and conquer:
- 20 Seconds: Squats
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Mountain Climbers
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Lunges
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Pushups
Repeat x2
Follow along with the shirtless man below…
Beginner Tabata Workout 6
We’re cranking it up and adding burpees into the mix.
If you’ve never tried burpees before you’re in for a real treat.
Here’s how to throw it down with Tabata number 6:
- 20 Seconds: Burpees
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Push-ups
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Squat Jumps
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 20 Seconds: Bicycle Crunches
Repeat x2
All I can say is good luck.
Watch the video below for a quick demo…
Beginner Tabata Workout 7
Going back to the original 8 moves, this Tabata will have you sweating buckets in no time.
See you on the other side:
- 20 Seconds: Burpees
- 20 Seconds: Squats
- 20 Seconds: Push-ups
- 20 Seconds: Lunges
- 20 Seconds: Elbow Plank
- 20 Seconds: Mountain Climbers
- 20 Seconds: Box Jump
- 20 Seconds: Plank Jacks
And as always, rest 10 seconds between exercises.
Watch the man to learn the moves…
Beginner Tabata Workout 8
Last on our list of Tabata workout routines for beginners we’ve got…
…you guessed it. More Tabata.
Time to unleash the beast within:
- 20 Seconds: Squat Jumps
- 20 Seconds: Alternating Lunges
- 20 Seconds: Pushups
- 20 Seconds: Squat Thrusts
- 20 Seconds: Bicycle Crunches
- 20 Seconds: Mountain Climbers
- 20 Seconds: Plank Pushups
- 20 Seconds: Walkouts
Take 10 seconds between rounds to catch your breath (or puke)
This is the last one I promise…
On the whole, all the workout routines above should give you a good starting point for getting into the groove of Tabata training.
And in the long run, performing these exercises on a consistent basis will help you build a solid foundation for further improvement, and will ultimately be less taxing on your body while you build up a basic level of fitness.
The great thing about Tabata is there are literally a million ways to structure a workout.
And once you find your rhythm, they’ll be no stopping you from throwing on your gym shorts and getting down to business.
Tabata Workout Routines For Beginners – What’s Next?
Moving forward, what I recommend you do is try each and every one of the workouts we’ve discussed above so you can get a good idea of your current fitness level.
If the workouts are still too difficult then I recommend restructuring the work to rest ratios.
The great thing about this is you can time your intervals whichever way you like.
For instance, you could set a timer for 15 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest.
Or better still, 10 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest
The important thing is that you actually make a start.

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes
Tabata Workout Routines For Beginners – Progressions
Once you’ve mastered the basics is time to start moving things forward.
You can do this by either performing 2, 3, even 5 full Tabata workouts back to back…
You can progress to sufficiently harder Tabata variations that once completed, will leave you in a helpless pile on the floor ready to trade your soul for oxygen.
So as an added bonus I’m going to be throwing in a few immensely challenging Tabata workout routines that will show you just how challenging Tabata training really is.
Related: 17 Brutal Tabata Workout Routines
Tabata Workout Routines For Beginners – Stepping It Up
Here are 3 pretty radical Tabata’s that are going to skyrocket your work capacity and conditioning through the roof.
These are very tough. So don’t attempt these workouts if you don’t feel ready.
Tabata 1: Burpees
If you thought one or two sets of burpees was tough, then wait until you try this crippling monster.
8 Round, 4-minutes. Get ready because here comes the pain
Quick breakdown:
- 20 Seconds: Burpees
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat x8
Puking Optional.
Watch this burpee sensi at work below…
He makes it look easy but it’s really not.
Tabata 2: Airdyne Bike
Another beast of a workout.
Breaking it down:
- 20 Seconds: Airdyne Bike
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat x8
All I can say is good luck…
Tabata 3: Rowing
Another full body Tabata challenge that will leave you in tears just at the thought of completing another round.
Here’s how to get the show and the Row-ed:
- 20 Seconds: Rowing
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat x8
Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream…
Bonus Tabata Workout…
The Exhausting, Brutal, Gruelling, Earth Shattering, Running On Empty, Madman, Mentally Deranged, Psychotic Tabata That You Should Never Ever Ever Attempt Even If You Really Really Want To.
And just to show you how crazy some people are. I managed to find a video of Funk Roberts performing all 3 of these Tabata exercises back to back.
Don’t attempt this by the way.
I honestly think it could kill you.
Just thought you might want to see what lunatics do in their spare time…
On a serious note, all credit to Funk Roberts.
As a boxing, MMA and all-around fan of HIIT training I find his workouts really great to watch and implement.
Anyway, rounding up this post before you get bored, or worse, send me multiple abusive messages. I hope you gained some sort of value from this information and if you have and if you do want to leave a comment (abusive or not) or share this post, you can do so below.

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes