I could give you a number of reasons why I prefer HIIT weight training workouts compared to the traditional method of exercise.
For instance…
- They’re fun
- They’re challenging
Plus, HIIT weight training workouts open you up to a whole new way of exercise, by creating an almost unlimited library of training options.
Not to mention the fact that you’re gonna get heads turning at the beach due to your awesome physique.
Why Use HIIT Weight Training Workouts
So why use HIIT weight training workouts?
Well firstly, weight training provides each and every one of us with the ability to progressively overload our muscles. Which is the only sure-fire way to push past training plateaus while packing on rock hard, lean muscle at the same time
And secondly, weights can help you target your muscles from a variety of different angles that you never would have been able to accomplish without them.
Also, lean muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest.
So the more time you put into your HIIT weight training workouts the more muscle you’re going to build, which in turn will skyrocket your fat burning potential through the roof.
Sounds awesome right?
Now, you might be thinking this is going to be some macho male orientated post That only focuses on the big buff guys that want to get jacked right?
The workouts below are for everyone regardless of your age, weight, gender etc…
And by applying the methods I’m about to take you through, you’re going to see impressive results in very little time.
As long as you for forth the effort.
So let’s get to it…

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes
HIIT Weight Training Workouts
Before we dive right in and start launching the heavy iron around. Let me just throw a couple of things you will need to get through the majority of the workouts.
These are…
- A Barbell
- Dumbbells
- Preferably a Pullup & Dip Station
- A Dipping Belt Or Weighted Backpack (optional)
Once you’ve got these at the ready then you can go ahead and dive straight into the workouts below…
Workout 1: Full Body Overload
In this first workout, I’m going to take you through 4 awesome moves that are going to work your entire body.
This is primarily a strength-based HIIT workout as you’re going to be attempting to lift a decent amount of weight with every exercise you perform.
Here’s the workout in all its glory…
- 30 Seconds: Pull-ups (weighted or not)
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 30 Seconds: Parallel Bar Dips (weighted or not)
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 30 Seconds: Deadlifts
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- 30 Seconds: Landmine 180’s (or Russian twists with heavy plate)
- 90 Seconds: Rest
Repeat for a total of 5 rounds
Ideally, you want to be working with a weight that feels comfortable for the first 1-2 rounds but becomes increasingly harder as the workout progresses.
If you struggle with pull-ups or parallel bar dips then it’s ok to stop for a brief second to allow for a little recovery.
But just try to keep it to a minimum.
Workout 2: Upper Body Dumbbell Blast
This is a pretty cool upper body dumbbell workout that I like to use on occasion as a workout finisher…
It’s short and sweet but as the second’s tick by, you’re going to feel the overwhelming sensation to put down weights and call it a day.
You’re going to be performing 6 moves, each 30 seconds long with no rest between exercises.
This quick HIIT workout goes like this…
- 30 Seconds: Overhead Press
- 30 Seconds: High Curl
- 30 Seconds: Shrugs
- 30 Seconds: Side Lateral Raises
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Curls
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Punches (1-2 Combination)
That’s one round.
Now, don’t go too heavy on this one the first time around.
Some of the bigger guys might start by using somewhere between 15-20 lbs dumbbells, where some of the smaller ladies might be a little more comfortable with 6-10 lbs weights.
However, this is only a guideline.
I don’t know anything about you or your strength or endurance capabilities so if I’m off the mark then you can go ahead and leave me your best insult in the comments below…
Of course, if your using this as a finisher then feel free to call it a day.
If however, you’re looking for a longer workout that challenges you beyond all comprehension then try adding in some extra sets like this…
- Round 1: Complete the above 6 exercises.
- Rest: 60 Seconds
- Round 2: Complete the exercises again using only half the weight from round 1
- Rest: 60 Seconds
- Round 3: Complete all 6 exercises again using the original weight (same as round 1)
- Rest: 60 Seconds
- Round 4: Complete all 6 exercises again using NO WEIGHT (Yes! I’m serious)
Try to raise your arms after this one…
…I’d like to see you try
Related: 51 Addicting Workout Finishers For The Ultimate Afterburn
Workout 3: The Incredible Hulk (CrossFit Modification)
This workout is a slightly modified version of one of the WOD’s (Workout Of The Day) I picked up over at the CrossFit website.
However, I’ve slightly changed it from a repetition based workout to a timed interval workout.
You’re gonna love it…
- 15 Seconds: Deadlifts
- 15 Seconds: Hand Power Cleans
- 15 Seconds: Front Squat
- 15 Seconds: Push Press
- 15 Seconds: Back Squat
- 60 Seconds: Rest
Complete 5-10 rounds depending on your fitness level.
The original Incredible Hulk workout has you performing 5 reps of each of these exercises back to back with a 20-minute time limit.
But because we’re focusing on HIIT weight training workouts you’re going to up the ante a little and perform each and everyone to these exercises for time.
You’re going to use the same weight for each exercise you perform using only a barbell, transitioning smoothly from one exercise to the next without stopping.
Now, just a word of warning on this one.
It will become very exhausting after a few rounds, so start off using a lighter weight then you think you should the first time you try it to gauge where you’re at.
Anyway, here’s a video of the original workout in action so you can see the moves…
Workout 4: The Annihilator
The most basic form of a full body workout routines can be created using just a push, a pull, and a squat.
Well that’s exactly what you’re going to be doing here with a HIIT workout I like to call “The Annihilator”
It’s another barbell routine and you’re going to be using the same weight for each exercise.
Here’s how it goes…
30 Seconds: Deadlift
30 Seconds: Barbell Thrusters
60 Seconds: Rest
Complete 5 Rounds in total… 10 If you’re feeling like a true spartan warrior.
Workout 5: Push-Pull-Twist
We have yet again another one of our HIIT weight training workouts using nothing more than a barbell.
Or should I say two barbells.
This HIIT workout is purely an upper body dominant workout that focuses on 3 moves to crush every simple muscle group above your hips.
Here’s what you need to do…
- 30 Seconds: Barbell Row
- 30 Seconds: Push Press
- 30 Seconds: Landmine 180 (Or Russian twist with weight plate)
- 60 Seconds: Rest
Repeat for 4-6 Rounds
You’re going to be using the same weight for both the barbell row and the push press, making sure the weight is light enough to complete the first 1-2 sets fairly comfortably.
But heavy enough to make the last few sets a living nightmare.
For the landmine 180 exercise, you’re going to need a separate barbell.
I know that depending on where you like to work out that it isn’t always going to be possible to take control of 2 barbells at the same time.
If this is an issue you can go ahead and substitute the landmine 180’s for Russian twists while holding a weight plate or heavy dumbbell.
Bonus Workout: Bubba (CrossFit Modification)
I know what you’re thinking…
…again with the f*cking CrossFit workouts.
But trust me, this one is going to be worth it.
This is another CrossFit workout that I’ve modified into a timed, interval circuit that’s going to test every fiber of your body.
So for the last of our HIIT weight training workouts, you’re going to need…
- Dumbbells
- Weighted Vest (Optional)
- Step Up Box (plyometric box)
And here’s what you’re going to be doing…
- 60 Seconds: Man Makers
- 60 Seconds: Box Step Ups
- 60- 90 Seconds: Rest
If you’ve never heard of Man Makers, it’s essentially a burpee with dumbbells, a renegade row, and an overhead press
For the sake of your sanity, I’m not even going to spend time explaining the workout step by step as I will probably just confuse you even more.
Instead, I’m just going to leave you with this video so you can figure it out for yourself.
Wrapping Things Up
These HIIT weight training workouts are just a few examples of what can be achieved by adding a few simple weights into your training.
The truth is the options are unlimited. There are literally thousands of ways you can structure your HIIT workout to reach your desired goals.
Strength is key to muscle longevity and incorporating this type of training into your schedule 2-3 times a week will work absolute wonders for your strength and fitness.
You’re going to shed fat, feel great, and ultimately maintain a lean and healthy body for many years to come.
Do you have any HIIT weight training workouts that are not on the list? Let me know in the comments below…

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes