If you type HIIT vs Running into any search engine you’ll probably get a multitude of answers from so-called HIIT experts, running freaks and all the other so-called fitness guru’s gearing you towards one of these methods being far superior to the other.
So which one is best?
Well, it depends
There’s no one size fits all approach, so the first thing you need to ask yourself is…
- What are your goals?
- How do you want to look?
- Do you want size, strength, endurance, or a combination of all three?
So in today’s post, I’m going to be breaking down the benefits, the problems and the overall limitations you will face with both running and HIIT training, so you can make a logical, informed decision on which one is right for you…

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes
HIIT vs Running – The Good The Bad And The Ugly
Benefits Of HIIT
One of the obvious benefits of HIIT is how quick it is.
Workouts can last from as little as 4 minutes all the way up to 30 minutes, sometimes more.
Although personally I never recommend anything over 20 minutes as I feel that If you’re not completely spent by this point. Then you’re not performing true HIIT.
Burns Fat, Builds Muscle
From a fat loss and muscle building perspective, HIIT also takes the lead with this one.
HIIT training has been proven time and time again to not only burn huge amounts of stubborn unwanted body fat but continues to do so well after your workout is over.
This is known as the EPOC effect (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption).
As well as this phenomenon HIIT training also puts your body in an anabolic state which promotes muscle retention and even muscle growth during certain HIIT workouts.
Unlimited Options
HIIT weight training…
…HIIT cardio
…HIIT bodyweight workouts
The options are endless here people.
You can create almost any workout imaginable to suit each and every one of your needs, wants and desires.
You can train for strength, size, conditioning, whatever it is, you have the power within you to make it happen.
Problems With HIIT
Despite all the benefits it has to offer. HIIT isn’t for everyone
First and foremost, it’s extremely difficult. It has to be for you to reap the rewards it has to offer.
It’s brutal, it’s hard, and it can be damn right nasty at times.
So if you’re the kind of guy or girl that likes to take things a little easier during your workouts then HIIT probably isn’t for you.
And secondly, It also takes a damn sight longer to recover from.
Two to three HIIT sessions a week is probably the most you can handle without completely burning yourself out.
Joint Problems
Another added drawback is that it can be extremely taxing on the joints and ligaments depending on what type of HIIT workouts you take on.
So overall, HIIT training, when done correctly, goes well beyond the scope of challenging into a completely new category.
Is it worth it?
I’ll leave that one up to you.
Benefits Of Running
Despite its many drawbacks, it can’t be denied that running is awesome for burning calories.
In fact, I’d go as far to say it’s definitely in the top 3 cardio workouts alongside boxing and jump rope.
As well as the incredible endurance benefits that running provides. It can also be a key factor in gaining mental focus, clarity, and can give you the extraordinary ability to just get in the zone as and when you need to.
I also like the fact that whenever I go for a run I can just relax and unwind.
If you’ve ever woken up at the crack of dawn to go running in a nice scenic place you’ll know what I mean.
Running alongside the lake with the mountains in the distance. Feeling the cool breeze in your face as you watch the sun peak over the horizon.
There’s no better feeling in the world.
Problems With Running
Well, unless you’re clocking miles on the treadmill, running can be a little bit hit and miss depending on the weather.
That is unless you like trampling through muddy puddles in the freezing cold of winter.
And depending on your current health. It can have quite an impact on the joints.
This isn’t to say that running is a high impact exercise.
Far from it.
It’s just that years and year of repeatedly propelling yourself forward over rough terrain and hard concrete surfaces can slowly take it’s a toll on your knees.
Getting The Best Of Both
Both running and HIIT training both come with their incredible benefits and problems.
So instead of picking between the two why not just have both.
There’s nothing in the bible of fitness and exercise that says you have to pick one form of exercise and stick with it for the rest of your life.
And honestly, I think you would be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t do both
I mean, why take a slice of the cake when you can have the whole damn thing right?
Running For HIIT
Have you ever considered the fact that you could also turn your run into a HIIT workout?
Instead of the long daily trudge that has become your regular running routine, you could instantly change the game by adding intense sprints into your workout.
So, for instance, you could do something like…
- Monday: Endurance Run
- Tuesday: HIIT Hill Sprints
- Wednesday: Rest
- Thursday: Endurance Run
- Friday: Tabata Sprints
- Saturday & Sunday Are Rest Days…
Of course, this is only an example of a running routine and you could pick and choose days and intervals that work for you.
But working this way is not only smart, but it also makes for an all-around effective routine.
Hill Sprints HIIT Routine
A hill sprint workout will give you both the benefits of HIIT training while also increasing your explosive speed and power.
It can make a huge difference to a regular running routine.
Here’s what you need to do…
Simply find a steep hill around 100 ft long.
Spend the first 5 minutes warming up.
This should include stretching and jogging slowly at the base of the hill.
Once you’re warmed up you can then proceed to sprint up the hill as many times as possible in 15 minute. Using the walk back to the base of the hill as your recovery period.
Do this 1-2 times a week and you’ll never have to do squats again as the incline of the hill will be more than enough to build massive amounts of strength and endurance in your legs.
Tabata Sprints
This is another awesome sprinting workout that takes only 4 minutes to complete.
Simply set an interval timer for 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds.
Then find an open space such as a field or running track and perform interval sprints like this…
- 20 Seconds: Sprints
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat x8
Total Workout Time: 4 Minutes
I know it’s only a short workout, but if you give it your absolute all during each and every work set. By the time round eight rolls around, I promise you’ll be praying for the sweet release of death before the time is up.
HIIT vs Running – The Verdict
So which one is better?
Well obviously as a HIIT advocate my opinion may be a little bias towards HIIT training. But that’s because I know it works.
So much so that I even built a website about the damn subject.
My reason behind this is simply because of its incredible ability to burn fat and build muscle while at the same time increasing both your aerobic and anaerobic threshold simultaneously.
But ultimately the workout that is best is the one that works for you. And more importantly…
…It’s the one you enjoy
So whatever you decide to do, whether it be HIIT, running or a combination of both. Do it to the best of your ability or don’t do it at all.
What are your thoughts about HIIT vs running and which one do you prefer? Let me know in the comments below…

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes