Break out the iron because today we’re taking a ride to dumbbell city with 5 brutally hard dumbbell HIIT workouts.
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I ain’t kidding when I say that each and every one of the dumbbell HIIT workouts below is gonna separate the men from the boys, the girls from the bigger girls, and the slightly deranged from the possibly psychotic.
Let’s get cracking
So first things first, you’re gonna need a set of dumbbells. Actually more like 3-4 sets of dumbbells that you can use interchangeably through some of the exercises you’ll be performing.
And ideally, you’ll need the hexagonal dumbbells as some of the moves you’re going will need a stable dumbbell base for you to perform the exercises safely.
And before we get fully into this I should warn you. Some of the moves I’m about to show you are quite advanced and I recommend you have at least a few months of training experience behind you before you make any attempt to perform these dumbbell HIIT workouts.
But if your ready and you’re willing to work hard, you’re gonna see your strength and conditioning explode into a whole new category beyond what you ever thought possible.
Dumbbell HIIT Workouts – The Moves
So before we get to the fun part, It’s only fair that I show you the exact exercises you’ll be performing during your intense grueling workout so you can remain safe, use good form, and hopefully leave the gym in one piece.
So here we go…
Dumbbell Thrusters
First up on our epic list of exercises we’ve got dumbbell thrusters.
The combination of a squat and an overhead press, these bad boys are enough to deter anyone from ever stepping foot in the gym again.
On their own, dumbbell thrusters are enough to give you a full blown intense session but combined with one or more exercises in the same session you’re gonna feel every muscle in your body burning with intensity before you reach the end of the first set.
Watch the video below for a breakdown of the move…
The great thing about dumbbell these is that they’re difficult no matter where you place them in your workout.
Load up the weight and watch your full body strength skyrocket…
Dumbbell Walking Lunges
Another great addition to any workout but very underused we have the dumbbell walking lunge.
As you may well know lunges work both the quadriceps and the hamstrings and are great for adding strength to the lower half of your body.
Add in some extra resistance and you’re really gonna feel not only your legs but also your core strength and stability improve drastically.
Here’s how they’re done…
Man Makers
This is the creme de la creme of dumbbell HIIT workouts.
I think, although I could be wrong, that this move was created by professional CrossFit athlete Josh Bridges.
Basically, it’s a f*cking horrible exercise combines a squat thrust, renegade rows, a pushup, and an overhead press all in one move.
And that’s just one rep.
There’s also the added bonus of wearing a weighted vest although this is optional.
Rather than tell you I should probably just show you…
Dumbbell Box Step-ups
Another great tool to add to your arsenal of awesome dumbbell workouts is the box step up.
Now, it’s might not look that difficult and the surface. I mean, how hard can I be to step up on to a box while holding a pair of dumbbells right.
Well, don’t be deceived because the tested many to their limits and beyond.
And guess what? A little further down the page, I’ll be combining it with another one of these killer exercises to really test your metal.
Here’s how they look in action…
Dumbbell Hang Clean
Traditionally performed with a barbell the dumbbell hang clean is great for creating explosive speed and power.
And unlike the barbell hang clean, the dumbbell version allows you to eliminate any strength imbalances you may have as each side of your body has to work independently to hoist the weight up.
So no cheating on this one boys and girls…
Renegade Rows With Pushups
Moving swiftly on we have renegade rows. Only we’re adding pushups to the mix to give this exercise a real push-pull factor to sculpt both your chest and back in the very same move.
Isn’t fitness fun?
Anyway, here’s exactly how you’re going to be performing this exercise when I try to kill you off a little further down the page…
Dumbbell Floor Press
This is a great little exercise for both your chest and triceps. But unlike its partner in crime, the bench press requires no equipment other than a set of dumbbells and a flat surface to make things happen.
As an added bonus, it’s also a lot better for reducing shoulder injuries due to the fact that you can’t pull your arms back further than the floor will allow you to.
Watch the man to learn the move…
Dumbbell Push Press
Although not as technically challenging as some of the other moves above. The dumbbell push press is still an essential element of our dumbbell HIIT workouts.
Not only that, but it’s brilliant at increasing your overall pushing strength in a variety of other pushing exercises so make use of this exercise as often as you can.
Dumbbell Swings
In all honesty, these are better performed with a kettlebell, but for argument’s sake, and because this is a post about dumbbell HIIT workouts, I think we’ll stick with the theme here and stick with dumbbell swings.
Not only will dumbbell swing burn major fat while preserving lean muscle. But they also burn a sh*t load of calories more than even some of the more traditional cardio workouts.
Not bad if you ask me.
Anyway here’s how to perform this beauty with correct form and posture…
Dumbbell HIIT Workouts – Putting It All Together
Well, now we’ve got the moves all that’s left to do is put them together.
So here’s my ultimate list of dumbbell HIIT workouts to keep you on your toes.
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Workout 1: Walking Lunge & Press
First, on the list, we’re gonna be combining 2 of the above exercises for a complete upper/lower split type of HIIT workout.
You will need a bit of open space for this routine as it requires you to perform walking lunges mixed in with push presses.
What you’re going to be doing is performing 4 Walking Lunges holding a pair of dumbbells by your side, followed immediately by 4 Push Presses before moving back to the walking lunges.
This is going to be repeated in a 30/30 interval pattern for a total of 10 work intervals.
Just like this…
- 30 Seconds: 4 Walking Lunges/4 Push Presses
- 30 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat x10
Total Workout Time: 10 Minutes
You’re going to be using the same set of dumbbells for the duration of the workout so you can transition between each move with ease.
If you do find that you can’t physically do any more reps during the workout. I find it handy to have a second set of lighter dumbbells nearby so I can swap them out just in case.
But hopefully, you won’t need to do this.
Ideally, you should pick a weight that will become excruciatingly difficult by set 8-9 to really allow you to put forth 100% effort giving you the most bang for your buck and a killer afterburn effect that will not only torch fat from your frame but build solid lean muscle at the same time.
Workout 2: Man Makers/Box Step Ups Crossfit Modification
I took on the CrossFit WOD and I absolutely love the torture it brings to many of my HIIT workouts
The original workout which is called BUBBA, has you perform 6 Man Makers with 20 kg dumbbells in each hand while wearing a 20 lbs weighted vest, followed up with 7 plyometric box step-ups.
Brutal I know…
However, since this is a HIIT workout we’re changing out the repetitions and turning them into timed intervals.
Here’s how I like to structure this dumbbell HIIT workout…
- 60 Seconds: Man Makers
- 60 Seconds: Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
- 60 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat x5
Total Workout Time: 15 Minutes
Here’s the original BUBBA in action just so you can see how tough it is.
Weighted vest optional…
Workout 3: Dumbbell Hang Clean/Dumbbell Floor Press
This one’s going to give you a nice combination of both explosive speed and power.
Here’s how we’re going to break this one down…
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Hang Clean
- 20 Seconds: Rest
- 30 Seconds: Floor Press
- 40 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat x5
Total Workout Time: 10 Minutes
The 20 second rest period is primarily there as a transitional period between exercises as it would be almost impossible to jump straight from dumbbell hang cleans straight into dumbbell floor presses without a little time in-between.
The weight you use is optional depending on your fitness level and your goals.
Personally, I use a separate set of dumbbells for each move, using a weight that I can complete around 15-20 reps with on my first set.
This is the best combination for both strength and speed as is best for overall fat burning potential.
Workout 4: Dumbbell Thrust & Swing
Moving through our list of dumbbell HIIT workouts we have a 3 move routine that will leave no muscle unworked.
Here are the moves…
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Thrusters
- 30 Seconds: Right Arm Dumbbell Swing
- 30 Seconds: Left Arm Dumbbell Swing
- 60 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat 4-6 times
Total Workout Time: 10-15 Minutes
Again, make sure you use a weight that’s challenging and will have you struggling on the last 1-2 sets.
If necessary have a lighter set of dumbbells nearby just in you can’t physically do any more reps with a heavier weight.
Workout 5: Upper Body Dumbbell Finisher
Last but not least on our list of dumbbell HIIT workouts we have a quick 5-minute dumbbell finisher that going to leave the entire top half of your body in pieces.
Here’s the short and sweet version…
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Overhead Press
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell High Curl
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Shrugs
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Lateral Raises
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Curls
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Punches (1-2 Combination)
- 30 Seconds: Rest
- 90 Seconds: Renegade Rows With Pushups
- Total Workout Time: 5 Minutes
Now, you more than likely fail on more than one occasion during the set of renegade rows, and that’s ok.
The idea here is to push yourself to the absolute limits leaving nothing left in the tank.
When you fail, simply rest for 3-5 seconds and then continue until the 90 seconds is up.
And remember to give yourself a huge pat on the back when you are done.
Wrapping Things Up
So now you know how to put yourself up against some of the toughest dumbbell HIIT Workout ever.
Its gonna feel so bad during the workout but oh so good afterward.
So what are you waiting for…
…get to it.
Do you have a favorite dumbbell HIIT Workout? Let me know in the comments below…

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