Boxing HIIT workouts are some of the toughest workouts you can take on to achieve maximum fitness in minimal time.
And the extremely unpleasant list I’ve lined up for you below is going to test you beyond all comprehension.
Taking you to the brink of hell and back before leaving you a burnt-out shadow of your former self.
Oh yes my friend, I’m going to make you suffer today…
What Makes A Boxer
When It comes to boxing, you can’t just rely on one or two attributes.
No, no, no… you need the whole damn package.
You need…
- Extreme Endurance – To outlast your opponent in a grueling battle of wills that can last up to a staggering 12 rounds
- Explosive Strength – And no I don’t mean bodybuilding type strength. I mean relative pure explosive strength. The kind that, when you connect with your opponent, will make them feel like they just tried to kiss the express train.
- Explosive Speed – One of the most important aspects of boxing. The ability to land that sharp stiff jab before your opponent will slowly but surely beat the fight out of them.
- Conditioning – The ability to perform anaerobically (without oxygen) will ultimately give you the ultimate edge, allowing you to throw flurries of punches without tiring giving you a huge advantage in the ring.
- Core Conditioning – This is essential for not only taking punches to the body but one of the driving forces behind the explosive speed and power you need to deliver hard, fast punches in quick succession.

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes
Boxing HIIT Workouts – Sport Specific Training
To get the most out of your boxing HIIT workouts, you need to understand the importance of sport-specific training.
Now, depending on whether your an amateur or pro will depend on the separate work to rest ratios that need to be considered when structuring your training routine.
So all of the boxing HIIT workouts I’ve devised below are sport specific. Meaning that the intervals are intended to mimic the same work to rest period that you would experience in an actual fight. Giving you the ultimate advantage when it comes to the real thing.
A Word About Maximum Strength
One type of workout that I won’t be covering below that I feel is still a key element to boxing training is maximum strength.
It’s a very important element of boxing that requires maximum force output that involves lifting heavy weights usually within the 3-5 rep range.
Unfortunately, due to the nature of HIIT, it is impossible to incorporate this type of training into the boxing HIIT workouts below.
It simply requires too much recovery time between intervals as maximum strength training usually requires anywhere from 2-4 minutes rest between working sets.
It’s important none the less so if you would like to learn more about how to add this key element of training into your boxing workout then this Boxing Strength Guide will give you all the information you need.
So now we know what we need, we’re gonna take a look at some boxing HIIT workouts will that will cover each and every essential element of becoming a well rounded, supremely conditioned boxer.
Boxing HIIT Workouts
Workout 1: Punch-Out Drills
The first in our extensive list of boxing HIIT workouts you’ll be performing punch-out drills.
This workout is awesome for both arm endurance and increasing your anaerobic threshold to help you outwork and outlast your opponent.
Here’s how it’s going to go down…
- 30 Seconds: Punch-Out Drill (1-2 Punch Combination)
- 15 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat the above 3 more times for a total of 3 minutes.
- Rest for 60 seconds.
- Repeat x5
Total Workout Time: 20 Minutes
Structuring the workout this way allows you to specifically work within the 3/1 ration that professional boxers work to during a real fight.
As you’re fitness improves, feel free to adjust the work to rest intervals to make the workout even harder.
For instance, you could increase the work periods from 45/15 intervals to 50/10 intervals. Or even better reduce the 60 second rest period to just 30 seconds to give yourself less time to recover between rounds.
Either way, it’s important to push yourself as hard as you can during the work intervals. Throwing punches as hard and as fast as possible at 100% maximum effort.
Workout 2: Heavy Core Work
This is a great HIIT workout for increasing your core strength. Covering every single muscle from your inner core to your obliques.
Here’s how this one goes down…
- 40 Seconds: Deadlifts
- 30 Seconds: Rest
- 40 Seconds: Landmine 180’s
- 30 Seconds: Rest
- 40 Seconds: Deadlift
- 60 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat for 4 rounds
Total Workout Time: 16 Minutes
Because there are only 2 exercises with this workout you’re gonna have to alternate exercises between rounds.
As you can see above, the first round starts with deadlifts and ends with deadlifts. So you would commence the next round starting and ending with landmine 180s. Continuing to alternate every single round.
It’s important not to go too heavy with the deadlifts as you’ll completely burn yourself out halfway through the routine.
Pick a weight that’s challenging, but still allows you to get through the workout without passing out.
Again, as you get better, feel free to adjust the work to rest intervals to create a more challenging workout.
Workout 3: Jump Rope HIIT
As you may already know, jumping rope is essential for both footwork and coordination. It’s also great for torching major calories and skyrocketing your heart rate to extreme levels.
So here’s how to perform this boxing HIIT workout…
- 30 Seconds: Jump Rope (Active Rest)
- 30 Seconds: Jump Rope (Max Effort Sprints or Double Unders)
- Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 minutes.
- Then rest for 60 seconds.
- Repeat all of the above for 3-5 rounds
Total Workout Time: 12-20 Minutes
During the active rest periods, it’s important to keep your feet moving but keep the intensity low. Continue to jump rope at a light pace to keep yourself in the zone.
Then when it’s time for the max effort intervals, it’s balls to the wall all-out sprinting in place or double unders. It doesn’t matter which variation you do as long as you give it 100%.
Workout 4: Burpee Conditioning
Take a look at anyone who performs burpees on a regular basis, then tell me they’re not supremely conditioned.
Well, now you’re going to join the ranks of the elite by performing my all-time favorite burpee HIIT workout.
Here’s how this one’s gonna play out…
- 20 Seconds: Burpees
- 10 Seconds Rest
- Repeat x6 for a total of 3 minutes.
- Rest for 60 seconds
- Repeat all of the above 3 times
Total Workout Time: 12 Minutes
Just one round of this brutal workout is more than enough to test your limits.
Make it through all 3 rounds and you can officially call yourself the ultimate burpee badass.
Want to make this HIIT workout even tougher?
Try burpee box jumps to take it to the next level…
Workout 5: Sledgehammer Swings
This next HIIT workout is going to build tremendous amounts of explosive speed and power while challenging your core and improving your overall grip strength.
I’m talking about the mighty sledgehammer swing.
An often underused tool for boxing mainly because of the lack of equipment needed to take on this awesome workout.
But if you have access to a sledgehammer (between 6-12 lbs) and a big old tire to swing away at, then this is certainly going to be a challenging, stress relieving workout.
Here’s it is…
- 45 Seconds: Sledgehammer Swings (Alternating Sides With Each Swing)
- 15 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 minutes.
- Rest 60 Seconds
- Repeat all of the above x5
Total Workout Time: 20 Minutes
Like with every one of these boxing HIIT workouts it’s important to give it 100% maximum effort with each and every swing.
It’s quite easy to become complacent and go half speed with this workout. But if you do, then you’re not going to get the full benefit.
Swing with explosive speed and power while engaging all of your core muscles and you’ll be surprised at just how exhausting this workout actually is.
Workout 6: Ab Conditioning
Now, this isn’t necessarily what I’d called a true HIIT workout as you won’t be fighting for each and every breath as you would with many of the other workouts.
But still, I feel it’s a great accessory to your boxing HIIT workouts as it’s going to test your ab strength while chiseling out a rock-solid six-pack that looks like it was molded by the gods.
Here’s how to fire up them awesome abs…
- 30 Seconds: Flutter Kicks
- 30 Seconds: Scissor Kicks
- 30 Seconds: Jackknifes
- 30 Seconds: Hand To Knee Crunch (sliding your hands above your knees)
- 30 Seconds Alternating Heel Touch
- 30 Seconds: Russian Twists
- 60 Seconds: Rest
Repeat for 3 rounds. Or until you can physically take no more…
Workout 7: Dumbbell Endurance Workout
I’ve mentioned this workout quite regularly throughout this site quite simply because of its effectiveness and the ability to completely trash your arms in
minimum time.
You can either do 1 round of this workout as a quick workout finisher at the end of your regular training session…
…Or, you can complete 4 full rounds of the routine outlined below…
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Overhead Press
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell High Curl
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Shrugs
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Lateral Raises
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Curls
- 30 Seconds: Dumbbell Straight Punches (1-2 Combination)
- 60 Seconds: Rest
You’re going to be using the same set of dumbbells for the duration of this workout.
The dumbbells you use should be light enough for you to be able to hammer out multiple reps of this exercise, but heavy enough so that by the time you hit the last exercise, you are very close to failure.
I personally use 15-20 lbs dumbbell when I’m completing the full 4 rounds but adjust as needed depending on your own fitness level.
And as I mentioned above, if you’re using this as a workout finisher then 1 round might be all you need.
But if you’re using this as your main HIIT workout, go for 4 rounds of this workout resting 60 seconds between rounds.
As it would be damn near impossible for you to complete 4 rounds of this workout using the full weight. So when completing rounds 2 and 4, simply drop the weight and use NO WEIGHT at all.
Like this…
- Round 1: Full Weight
- Round 2: NO WEIGHT
- Round 3: Full Weight
- Round 4: NO WEIGHT
If you can lift your arms afterward then you didn’t go heavy enough with the dumbbells.
Wrapping things up
By applying each and every one of the boxing HIIT workouts into a regular routine will no doubt increase nearly every positive aspect of the strength, speed and conditioning needed to outwork, out muscle and more importantly, outbox your opponent.
And if there’s only one thing you take away from this post let it be this…
…Fatigue makes cowards of us all, and having the ability to outwork your opponent no matter how skilled he/she may be, will always give you the upper hand when it comes to winning.
Do you have and boxing HIIT workouts of your own you would like to share? Let me know in the comments below…

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes