Today we’re going to be taking a look at the best HIIT workouts for men.
But before we begin first you must understand the vast differences between how HIIT training affects both men and women separately.
On the surface, it may seem that men have a significant advantage over women when it comes to any type of strength or cardiovascular exercise.
For instance…
- Men usually tend to be bigger, hence the natural ability to burn more calories than women.
- Men tend to carry more muscle mass which as a result helps them burn more fat.
- Men produce testosterone that helps them build muscle quicker than women, which again increases their natural ability to burn fat.
So it would only be safe to assume the benefits of HIIT training for men would far outweigh their female counterparts.
Want Proof?
A study by the Bowling Green State University stated that women working at the same pace as men have to work physically harder maintain the same pace as a man.
The study was carried out using a select group of men and women between the ages of 19-30 through a vigorous self-paced sprint interval circuit.
The results showed that although men worked at a faster pace. Both the max heart rate and overall oxygen consumption from the women was far greater than the male subjects.
So from a HIIT perspective, women are far more capable of maintaining a higher heart rate through their HIIT sessions and as a result, see greater increases in both aerobic and anaerobic fitness as well as a greater increase in fat loss percentage.
That’s the bad news…
The good news is that despite the differences between men and women, HIIT workouts are still proven to torch excessive amounts of body fat regardless of what gender you are.
Put simply, you’re going to feel the benefits regardless.
The most important aspect of HIIT training or any other form of exercise for that matter is to consistently push yourself during each and every workout.
Hard work and consistency pay off.
It’s that simple.

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes
The Best HIIT Workouts For Men
Taking into account the above data, what we need to do from a male perspective is devise a HIIT workout that not only focuses on exercises that keep our heart rate elevated like…
- Sprints
- Airdyne Bike Sprints
- Jump Rope
But also focuses on building incredible strength through the use of hardcore full body movements including…
- Prowler Pushes
- Farmers Walks
- Tire Flips
- Deadlifts
All of the above are perfect examples of HIIT exercises that involve the whole body working together as a unit and working on just these elements during your training sessions is going to send your fat burning potential and oxygen consumption through the roof.
Now I’m not saying that you should limit yourself to just these exercises
Far from it…
Things like push-ups, pull-ups, squats are all still essential parts of an overall complete HIIT routine, but the truth is that adding any form of mild strength or cardio to a HIIT workout will ultimately slow the heart rate, detracting from what we are trying to achieve.
Basically what I’m saying is, you’ve gotta work f*ucking hard…
The Best HIIT Workouts For Men – Building A Routine
To get the most bang for your buck what you need to do is break your HIIT routine down into both strength work and pure cardio.
Your strength based workouts will focus lifting, pushing, and pulling very heavy objects to skyrocket your fat burning potential while holding on to as much lean muscle as physically possible.
While your cardio based HIIT workout will focus on reving up your heart rate to it’s near maximum potential while dramatically increasing your oxygen consumption to get you in tip-top shape.
So here are a few sample routines I’ve put together based on some of the exercises outlined above.
But be warned… They ain’t easy
Workout 1: The Prowling Farmer
I came up with this little workout after looking to add some variety to my already existing prowler routine.
Originally what I would do is attach a heavy rope to the anchor of a prowler and push a prowler down to the other side of the gym, sprint back to the beginning and then pull the prowler back using the rope…
You can see an example of the workout here…
What I do now, however, is set up a heavy pair of dumbbells at the other end of the gym, and instead of sprinting back to the beginning I perform farmers walks…
…followed by a prowler pull
…finishing off with another farmers walk back to the other end of the gym.
Complete 5 rounds of this brutal workout resting 60-90 seconds between rounds.
It’s absolutely brutal but it’s going to add a great deal of lean mass to your frame while torching through fat at the same time.
Now, I know it’s not technically a timed circuit like most HIIT routines but trust me, it gets the job done.
Workout 2: The Flipper Skipper
Another grand old workout for burning fat like a motherf*cker is one I like to call the flipper skipper. (Lame I Know)
This is an interval circuit that involves both tire flips and jump rope.
What your going to be doing is performing 30 seconds of tire flips…
followed by 30 seconds of rest…
…followed by 30 seconds of Double Unders on the jump rope
Here’s a complete breakdown of the workout…
- 30 Seconds: Tire Flips
- 30 Seconds: Rest
- 30 Seconds: Double Unders
- 30 Seconds: Rest
Repeat for 5-10 rounds depending on your current fitness level
Total workout time: 10-20 minutes
This is the ultimate combination of full-body strength and cardio and will kick your ass to the moon and back within the first 5 minutes.
All I can say is good luck with this one.
Workout 3: Deadly Deadlifts Intervals
Next, on our list of the best HIIT workouts for men with have deadlift intervals.
Now, just a word of caution before you try this workout.
Deadlifts carry a greater risk of injury when not performed with correct technique.
As fatigue sets in your form can begin to suffer resulting in an increased risk of injury.
So just be careful with this one ok…
Anyway, for this workout your going to be performing a 30/30 interval consisting of…
…Deadlifts, Deadlifts, and more Deadlifts.
It’s pretty basic but here’s the breakdown of the workout…
- 30 Seconds: Deadlifts
- 30 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat x10
Now, it’s important that you don’t go too heavy on this one.
Remember we’re trying to get out heart rate up, not pull the sword out of the stone, so pick a weight that you can comfortably do 10-12 reps with and stick to it.
If by the end of the workout, if you feel like you could have pushed harder, simply increase the weight next time you try the workout.
Also, make sure to do 1-2 warmup sets before you begin.
Workout 4: Tabata Sprints
For this workout, I’m going to give you a choice.
You can either run sprints…
…Or, you can jump on the Airdyne bike and pedal like a motherf*ucker.
either way, the intervals are the same.
If you’ve never tried Tabata training before then your in for a shock.
It’s only 4 minutes, but each and every one of those minutes is going to feel like you’re being dragged face-first through a pile of hot coals.
Put simply, It’s going to hurt.
Here’s how it’s going to play out…
- 20 Seconds: Sprints or Airdyne Bike Sprints
- 10 Seconds: Rest
- Repeat x8
Total Workout Time: 4 Minutes.
It’s short but it ain’t so sweet as you’ll soon see when you attempt this horrible torturous workout.
Here’s how it’s done on the Airdyne bike…
Bonus Workout: The Finishing Move
What kind of guy would I be if I didn’t leave you with one more workout for the road?
And just because it’s the last one doesn’t mean I’m letting you off the hook.
Oh-no sir you’re going to suffer…
And to change things up a little we’re going to be focusing this one on pure conditioning.
Are you ready?
Here it is…
- 30 Seconds: Burpees
- 30 Seconds: Battle Ropes
- 30 Seconds: Rest
Repeat 5-10 rounds depending on your fitness level.
Wrapping Things Up
As I always say with all of the HIIT workouts I provide on this site, remember to push yourself hard, but don’t go beyond what your physically capable of or your just asking for injury.
If you’re not fit enough just yet to take on some of these workouts, feel free to adjust the interval time.
And if they’re too easy for you, simply make them harder.
At the end of the day, it’s all about hard work, consistency, and patience. Having all 3 of these attributes will get you to wherever you want to be in your life regardless of where you started.
Have good day fellas…
What do you think about the best HIIT workouts for men we’ve just discussed? Let me know your thoughts and leave a comment below…

Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises.
Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes